Corrugated Water Screens are designed to provide cost effective screening of water diversions while protecting fish and many other aquatic organisms from entrainment or screen impingement. Even the smallest fish can safely pass over the screen by moving to the fish troughs within each corrugation.
- Irrigation diversions
- Raw water intakes
- Screens can be mounted in-stream or in a conveyance channel.
The screens can be used in many different arrangements with different cleaning options.
Passive Cleaning –
To maximize passive cleaning the screen is mounted as a ramp with flow passing over the screen. Diverted flow passes through the screen while fish and debris continue down the screen to a bypass back to the stream. The screen, flow baffle and frame are placed at a shallow angle (<5 degrees) to accelerate flow over the screen. Fast surface flow above the screen coupled with the low through screen velocity of a corrugated screen promotes movement of debris off the screen.
Passive Cleaning with Air Burst Assist –
Air burst cleaning can be added to a screen where debris types or load are found to require occasional mechanical cleaning. All screens are designed with the capability to add air burst cleaning at any time. Air burst systems can be supplied as solar units for remote locations.
Brush cleaning systems are also available for our screens. Brushes are used when screens are mounted in a vertical or inclined orientation to the flow.